Moa (1986) is a biographical drama that explores the life of Swedish writer Moa Martinson. The film delves into the tragic events that shaped her life, including the devastating loss of her two youngest children in 1925 and her husband's suicide in 1928. Despite these hardships, Moa remains politically active and passionate about her work. The following year, she marries author Harry Martinson, but their marriage ultimately ends in separation after a decade.
Through poignant storytelling and powerful performances, Moa takes viewers on a journey through Moa Martinson's struggles, triumphs, and complex relationships. The film portrays her resilience and determination in the face of adversity, shedding light on the personal and professional challenges she faced as a writer and activist.
With its compelling narrative and emotional depth, Moa offers a glimpse into the life of a remarkable woman whose legacy continues to inspire and resonate with audiences today.
Also Known As:
MoaRelease Date:
10 Oct 1986Writers:
Anders WahlgrenAwards:
1 nomination