In the Swedish movie Mitt livs hotell, viewers are invited to explore the mysterious world of Stenkullen, a remote hotel located near Norrköping. The story revolves around Maria, the hotel director who has a deep connection to the place as she grew up there and now manages it single-handedly. As the protagonist, Maria delves into her past and struggles to maintain the hotel's operations while dealing with her personal demons.
Set against the backdrop of a motorway, the film captures the curiosity of passersby who have long wondered about the secrets hidden within the walls of Stenkullen. Through Maria's journey, audiences are taken on a poignant exploration of her life, the challenges she faces, and the revelations that unfold as she confronts her past. With stunning visuals and a compelling narrative, Mitt livs hotell offers a deeply engaging experience that will leave viewers captivated and emotionally invested in Maria's story.
Also Known As:
Mitt livs hotellRelease Date:
14 Dec 2022