Miss March is a comedy movie that follows the story of a young man named Eugene, who wakes up from a four-year coma to find out that his high-school sweetheart, Cindi, has become a famous centerfold in a popular men's magazine. Determined to win her back, Eugene, together with his best friend Tucker, embarks on a wild cross-country road trip to crash a party at the magazine's headquarters.
As they journey across the country, Eugene and Tucker encounter a series of hilarious misadventures and encounters with eccentric characters. Along the way, they must navigate strip clubs, a horny bus driver, a militant biker gang, and even a wacky hitman.
In their quest to reunite with Cindi, Eugene and Tucker must confront their own insecurities and face the challenges of the journey. Eugene, who is still a virgin, is determined to prove his love to Cindi, while Tucker, obsessed with sex, tries to keep their mission on track.
With its outrageous humor and raunchy gags, Miss March offers an entertaining and light-hearted look at friendship, love, and the pursuit of happiness. Will Eugene be able to win back his high-school sweetheart, or will their road trip end in disaster? Find out in this hilarious and unpredictable comedy.