Midnight in the Switchgrass is a thrilling crime drama that follows an FBI agent and a Florida State officer as they join forces to solve a series of perplexing and unsolved murder cases. Set in Florida, the movie delves into the dark and dangerous world of a serial killer, keeping viewers on the edge of their seats.
As the two law enforcement officers work together, they explore the chilling reality of the killer's twisted mind and the desperation to bring him to justice. With each new clue and encounter, they uncover a web of secrets and lies that only heighten the danger they face.
Starring Megan Fox as an FBI agent, Bruce Willis as a Florida State officer, and Emile Hirsch as a detective, Midnight in the Switchgrass showcases the talent of these seasoned actors in delivering intense and compelling performances. Directed by Randall Emmett, the movie adeptly combines elements of suspense, mystery, and action.
The atmospheric setting of Florida adds an extra layer of tension to the film, as its tangled swamps and secluded areas become part of the dangerous hunting ground for the killer. With a gripping storyline and an exceptional cast, Midnight in the Switchgrass promises to captivate audiences and keep them guessing until the very end.
Also Known As:
Midnight in the SwitchgrassRelease Date:
23 Jul 2021Writers:
Alan Horsnail