Michael Che Matters (2016) is a thought-provoking comedy special that dares to tackle controversial issues with raw honesty. In this one-hour show, comedian Michael Che fearlessly addresses topics like religion, gun control, and the Black Lives Matter movement. His razor-sharp wit and unique perspective shed light on these divisive subjects, challenging viewers to confront their own beliefs and biases.
Che's unapologetic approach to comedy is refreshing and unpredictable. He fearlessly delves into the hot-button topic of Jesus and religion, offering biting commentary that is sure to both entertain and provoke thought. Gun control is another subject he explores, using his trademark sarcasm to examine the absurdities of America's obsession with firearms.
One of the standout moments of the special is when Che delves into the Black Lives Matter movement. Through his insightful and provocative jokes, he sheds light on the systemic racism ingrained in society, sparking a necessary dialogue on race relations.
Michael Che Matters is a no-holds-barred comedy special that pushes boundaries and challenges societal norms. It is an unfiltered look at the world through Che's eyes, offering a unique perspective on the issues that divide us. With his blend of humor and social commentary, Che effortlessly merges entertainment with thought-provoking discourse. Prepare to laugh, cringe, and question everything you thought you knew.
Also Known As:
Michael Che MattersRelease Date:
25 Nov 2016Writers:
Michael Che