In Mercy Falls (2023), a group of friends embarks on a journey to find a hidden cabin nestled in the Scottish Highlands. However, their adventure takes a dark turn when a devastating event occurs, leading to suspicion, betrayal, and ultimately, murder. As tensions rise and trust disintegrates, the friends must grapple with the consequences of their actions as they struggle to survive in the unforgiving wilderness. The remote and desolate location becomes a character in itself, adding to the suspense and paranoia that permeates the group. As the group's bond deteriorates, secrets are revealed and loyalties are tested, forcing them to confront their inner demons and darkest fears. Mercy Falls is a gripping thriller that explores the depths of human nature when pushed to its limits, leaving audiences on the edge of their seats as they witness the tragic consequences of the group's fateful decision.
Also Known As:
Mercy FallsRelease Date:
14 May 2023Writers:
Meliá Grasska, Ryan Hendrick