Mentiras Pasajeras is a captivating drama series set in the modern world of high-tech companies and the struggle of an ambitious woman named Lucía. As an executive in a prestigious company, Lucía has fought tooth and nail to distance herself from her humble origins and achieve success. However, her life takes an unexpected turn when, on the day of her much-anticipated promotion, she faces an unjust accusation of espionage, leading to her immediate termination.
Left devastated and unsure of the truth, Lucía is determined to clear her name and unravel the secrets that led to this betrayal. As she delves deeper into the web of lies and deception, she discovers shocking revelations about her colleagues and the true nature of her employer. Lucía's journey also uncovers hidden connections that tie her past to her present-day predicament, forcing her to confront her roots and question the choices she has made.
Mentiras Pasajeras combines elements of mystery, intrigue, and personal growth to present a compelling narrative that keeps viewers on the edge of their seats. With each episode, audiences will be taken on a thrilling ride as Lucía fights for justice, battles her own demons, and uncovers the hidden truths that could change her life forever. Get ready to be immersed in a world of corporate conspiracy and personal redemption, as Lucía's pursuit for the truth takes unexpected turns and keeps you guessing till the very end.
Also Known As:
Mentiras pasajerasRelease Date:
09 Oct 2023Writers:
Blanca Andrés Gómez, Nerea Castro