In Memories of Christmas, a heartwarming holiday film released in 2018, viewers are taken on a festive journey with a young businesswoman who returns to her childhood home with the intention of selling it. However, her plans to part ways with the cherished house take an unexpected turn as she rediscovers the magic and joy of the holiday season.
As Christmas draws near, the protagonist finds herself immersed in the memories and traditions of her past, reconnecting with loved ones and rediscovering the true meaning of the holiday spirit. Through heartwarming encounters and nostalgic moments, she begins to embrace the festive season and opens her heart to new possibilities and unexpected connections.
Memories of Christmas is a delightful tale of love, family, and the power of coming home for the holidays. With a charming storyline and endearing characters, this film is sure to capture the hearts of viewers of all ages and remind them of the importance of cherishing fond memories and embracing the joy of Christmas.
Also Known As:
Memories of ChristmasRelease Date:
08 Dec 2018Writers:
Valerie Alexander, Jamie Pachino, John Wierick