Mémoires of a Murderer is a gripping 2017 South Korean crime thriller that follows a former serial killer named Byeong-Su, who suffers from Alzheimer's disease. Haunted by his gruesome past, Byeong-Su struggles to remember his own actions and distinguish between reality and his fading memories. However, when he discovers that his daughter Eun-Hee has begun dating a suspicious and potentially dangerous man named Min-Tae, he embarks on a perilous mission to protect her.
As Byeong-Su's condition worsens, he realizes that time is running out to save his daughter from Min-Tae's sinister intentions. With the clock ticking, he must rely on his diminishing mental capacities and engage in a dangerous game of cat and mouse with the relentless Min-Tae. As the suspense builds, viewers are kept on the edge of their seats, uncertain of who will prevail in this psychological battle.
Directed by Won Shin-yeon, Mémoires of a Murderer offers a unique perspective by exploring the mind of a former killer struggling with Alzheimer's disease. This chilling thriller explores themes of redemption, fatherly love, and the devastating effects of memory loss. Featuring intense performances and a compelling plot, this film keeps audiences guessing until the very end.
Also Known As:
Memoir of a MurdererRelease Date:
08 Sep 2017Writers:
Jo-yun Hwang, Young-ha KimAwards:
3 wins & 1 nomination