In the thrilling action-packed movie Megalodon (2018), a military vessel embarks on a mission to track down an unknown underwater vehicle. Little do they know, they are about to encounter a horrifying and enormous creature - the Megalodon. Now, the crew must rely on their limited resources and ingenuity to defend themselves against this gigantic and deadly predator.
As the tension mounts, the crew finds themselves in a desperate battle for survival against the monstrous shark. With limited options and the odds stacked against them, they must think on their feet and use everything at their disposal to outsmart and outmaneuver the ancient predator.
Megalodon combines heart-pounding action, suspense, and fast-paced thrills to keep viewers on the edge of their seats. With stunning visual effects and intense underwater sequences, this film promises a gripping and pulse-pounding experience.
Directed by an acclaimed filmmaker, Megalodon features a talented cast bringing their characters to life in a high-stakes battle for survival against one of the ocean's deadliest creatures. Prepare to be enthralled and captivated as the crew fights tooth and nail to stay alive in the face of this gigantic threat.
Catch the ultimate battle between man and beast in Megalodon - a gripping and adrenaline-fueled expedition that will leave audiences breathless.
Also Known As:
MegalodonRelease Date:
05 Mar 2020Writers:
Koichi Petetsky, Thunder Levin, Canyon Prince