Max is an emotional family drama that tells the story of a heroic military working dog named Max. After serving alongside American Marines in Afghanistan, Max returns to the United States, scarred both physically and emotionally from a traumatic experience. The film focuses on Max's journey as he is adopted by his late handler's family.
With themes of loyalty, friendship, and overcoming adversity, Max showcases the strong bond between Max and his handler's teenage brother, Justin. Determined to uncover the truth about his brother's death, Justin forms a deep connection with Max. As their relationship develops, Justin discovers that Max holds crucial clues about what really happened in Afghanistan.
The film deals with complex issues such as post-traumatic stress disorder and the challenges faced by veterans returning home. In a heartwarming and suspenseful narrative, Max explores the healing power of love and the importance of family.
Featuring heart-pounding action sequences, breathtaking cinematography, and a talented ensemble cast, Max is a gripping and emotional film suitable for all ages. Whether you are a dog lover, a military supporter, or simply enjoy powerful storytelling, this film is sure to captivate and inspire. Experience the bond between man and dog in Max as they embark on a remarkable journey of healing, self-discovery, and redemption.
Also Known As:
MaxRelease Date:
26 Jun 2015Writers:
Boaz Yakin, Sheldon LettichAwards:
1 nomination