Matilda, a delightful family film released in 1996, tells the inspiring story of a young girl with extraordinary abilities. Matilda, the eponymous protagonist, possesses a brilliant mind and psychic powers. However, she remains trapped in a world surrounded by her uncouth and neglectful family.
In an attempt to cope with her unhappy home life, Matilda discovers her passion for education. She develops a strong bond with her compassionate teacher, Miss Honey, who recognizes and nurtures her remarkable talents. Unfortunately, their harmony is disrupted by the sadistic headmistress, Miss Trunchbull.
Determined to protect Miss Honey from Miss Trunchbull's cruelty, Matilda must summon all her intelligence and psychic ability. With unwavering determination, she devises a plan to outsmart the evil headmistress and bring justice to the school.
Matilda's journey is both heartwarming and empowering, emphasizing the power of knowledge, love, and resilience. The film is a celebration of the human spirit and the triumph of good over evil. Filled with humor, touching moments, and impressive performances, Matilda is a must-watch for viewers of all ages.
Immerse yourself in Matilda's magical world and join her on her extraordinary adventure as she uses her intellectual gifts and supernatural powers to overcome adversity and bring joy to those around her.
Also Known As:
MatildaRelease Date:
02 Aug 1996Writers:
Roald Dahl, Nicholas Kazan, Robin SwicordAwards:
3 wins & 7 nominations