Marianne & Juliane is a thought-provoking drama from 1981 that follows the lives of two sisters, Juliane and Marianne, as they navigate their differing paths in the fight for women's rights. Juliane, a journalist, uses her platform to advocate for equality and justice, while Marianne becomes involved in radical activism, leading to her imprisonment. Despite their divergent approaches, Juliane feels compelled to support her sister and grapples with the complexities of their relationship and beliefs.
The film delves into themes of sisterhood, activism, and the struggle for personal and political freedom. Through their individual journeys, viewers are invited to reflect on the sacrifices and challenges faced by women in pursuit of social change. As Juliane confronts the consequences of Marianne's actions, she is forced to confront her own beliefs and values, ultimately leading to a poignant exploration of family, feminism, and the enduring bond between two sisters.
Experience the powerful performances and nuanced storytelling of Marianne & Juliane as it poses compelling questions about individual agency, societal norms, and the enduring impact of familial ties.
Also Known As:
Marianne & JulianeRelease Date:
01 Nov 1981Writers:
Margarethe von TrottaAwards:
13 wins & 5 nominations