Mañana (2008) is a heartwarming coming-of-age film directed by Swedish-Chilean filmmaker Manuel Concha. The movie follows the story of Marcos and Mattias, childhood best friends who are navigating the ups and downs of young adulthood. Marcos has never had a girlfriend, while Mattias has been in a long-term relationship for too long.
This film takes a deep dive into the realities of love, friendship, and growing up. Marcos and Mattias's lives take unexpected turns when they both find themselves entangled in complicated romantic situations. As they face these challenges head-on, their friendship is put to the test.
Mañana is a bittersweet exploration of the complexities of relationships and the search for happiness. It offers a genuine depiction of the difficulties and joys of young love and the coming-of-age experience.
With its authentic performances and realistic storytelling, Mañana offers a relatable and emotional journey for viewers. The film combines elements of comedy, drama, and romance, making it a well-rounded and engaging watch.
Overall, Mañana is a poignant and thought-provoking film that addresses universal themes of love, friendship, and self-discovery. It will resonate with audiences of all ages and leave them reflecting on their own experiences of growing up and navigating the complexities of relationships.
Also Known As:
MañanaRelease Date:
08 May 2009Writers:
Manuel Concha