Maggie's Plan is a heartwarming yet complicated love story that revolves around the life of Maggie, a woman who initially plans to have a baby on her own. However, everything takes an unexpected turn when she finds herself falling in love with John, a married man. Their affair leads to the eventual destruction of John's marriage with Georgette, a brilliant and complex woman.
Fast forward three years, Maggie finds herself falling out of love with John and begins to question her decisions. As she observes the strained relationship between John and Georgette, she starts to suspect that they might still be perfect for each other. In a true quandary, she must decide whether to intervene and attempt to reunite the couple.
Maggie's Plan is a unique and authentic portrayal of the complexities of relationships, highlighting the dilemmas we face when we question our own choices and desires. With a talented cast, including Greta Gerwig as Maggie, Ethan Hawke as John, and Julianne Moore as Georgette, the film delves into the intricacies of love, marriage, and parenthood.
Filled with humor, wit, and genuine emotion, Maggie's Plan is a refreshing take on romantic comedies, offering viewers a thoughtful exploration of the human heart and the unexpected twists it takes in the pursuit of happiness.