In Madea's Witness Protection, an unsuspecting Wall Street investment banker named George Needleman finds himself in deep trouble after being framed as the central figure behind his company's illegal money scheme, backed by the mob. In a desperate attempt to protect him and his family, George is relocated to the eccentric Aunt Madea's home in the South.
As George and his family adapt to their new surroundings, they must confront the challenges of adjusting to a completely different lifestyle. Madea, a no-nonsense matriarch, adds both humor and tough love to the mix as she tries to help the Needlemans navigate their way through this unexpected ordeal.
With the mob hot on their heels and uncovering the truth behind the fraudulent scheme, the Needlemans must rely on Aunt Madea and her unique brand of wisdom to stay alive and bring down the real culprits. As the tension escalates, George learns valuable lessons about family, honesty, and the importance of standing up for what is right.
Madea's Witness Protection is an entertaining blend of comedy, drama, and suspense that keeps viewers on their toes. With Tyler Perry portraying multiple characters, including the beloved Madea, the film promises an enjoyable ride filled with laughter, heartwarming moments, and unexpected twists.
Also Known As:
Madea's Witness ProtectionRelease Date:
29 Jun 2012Writers:
Tyler PerryAwards:
1 win & 5 nominations