Macken - Roy's & Roger's Bilservice is a heartwarming Swedish comedy film that follows the adventures of Roy and Roger, two brothers who run a gas station. Feeling the need for a change, they make the bold decision to temporarily close their business for the summer in order to embark on a quest to locate their long-lost father.
During this journey, the brothers experience a series of hilarious and unexpected events that lead them on a much bigger adventure than they had anticipated. As they uncover clues about their father's whereabouts, they also encounter various eccentric characters and find themselves entangled in romantic entanglements.
Roger, in particular, finds himself falling in love, adding a delightful romantic subplot to the story. With each twist and turn, the brothers not only inch closer to finding their missing father but also discover more about themselves and the true value of family bonds.
Macken - Roy's & Roger's Bilservice is a delightful Swedish gem that blends comedy, romance, and adventure. With its charming characters, humorous situations, and heartfelt moments, this film is sure to captivate viewers of all ages. Embark on the journey with Roy and Roger as they navigate through laughter, love, and the search for their father in this delightful and heartwarming film.
Also Known As:
Macken - Roy's & Roger's BilserviceRelease Date:
21 Dec 1990Writers:
Claes Eriksson