Lucky Number Slevin (2006) is a thrilling crime drama that revolves around a case of mistaken identity. Slevin, played by Josh Hartnett, finds himself in the middle of a dangerous war between two rival crime bosses, known as The Rabbi and The Boss. With both of them plotting against each other, Slevin becomes a pawn in their deadly game.
Constantly under surveillance by Detective Brikowski, portrayed by Stanley Tucci, and the notorious assassin Goodkat, played by Bruce Willis, Slevin must come up with a clever plan to outsmart both his pursuers and the crime bosses.
As the suspense builds, Slevin must navigate a web of deception and betrayal, discovering hidden connections and untangling the truth. With unexpected twists and turns, the audience is kept on the edge of their seats, unsure of who can be trusted.
Directed by Paul McGuigan, Lucky Number Slevin is a stylish and fast-paced film that delivers a gripping storyline, intense action sequences, and a stellar cast. Featuring brilliant performances from its ensemble cast, including Morgan Freeman and Ben Kingsley, the movie offers an intriguing blend of crime, mystery, and suspense.
Prepare to be captivated by Lucky Number Slevin as the intricate plot unfolds, and Slevin risks everything to outsmart his enemies and secure his survival.
Also Known As:
Lucky Number SlevinRelease Date:
07 Apr 2006Writers:
Jason SmilovicAwards:
5 wins & 4 nominations.