Love Jacked follows the story of Maya, a young woman with artistic dreams who is constantly pressured by her father, Ed, to take over their family store. Determined to break free from her father's expectations, Maya embarks on a journey to Africa in search of inspiration for her art. However, her trip takes an unexpected turn when she meets and falls in love with a charming local man, whom she quickly becomes engaged to.
When Maya returns home to her father with her new fiancé, she soon realizes that things are not as they seem. In a desperate attempt to gain her father's approval, Maya recruits a stranger named Malcolm to pose as her perfect fiancé. As Maya and Malcolm navigate the complicated web of lies they've spun, they find themselves on a hilarious and romantic adventure full of unexpected twists and turns.
Love Jacked is a heartwarming comedy that explores themes of love, family, and pursuing one's dreams. It showcases Maya's struggle to balance her own aspirations with her father's expectations, as well as the lengths she goes to in order to find acceptance and happiness. With its vibrant African setting and charismatic characters, Love Jacked provides a delightful and entertaining journey that will leave viewers rooting for Maya to find her true happiness.
Also Known As:
Love JackedWriters:
Robert Adetuyi