Love at the Shore (2017) follows protagonist Jenna as she embarks on a beach trip where she must share a duplex with a carefree surfer. As Jenna navigates the challenges of balancing work and spending quality time with her two kids during the vacation, she finds herself drawn to the laid-back, spontaneous surfer next door. The contrasting lifestyles of Jenna, a busy writer, and the surfer create humorous and heartwarming moments as they learn to appreciate each other's perspectives.
The film explores themes of family, love, and self-discovery, as Jenna reevaluates her priorities and learns to let go of her rigid lifestyle. As the vacation progresses, Jenna and the surfer form a deep connection that challenges Jenna to step out of her comfort zone and embrace the joy and spontaneity of life. Love at the Shore is a feel-good romantic comedy that will warm the hearts of viewers as they witness the transformation of Jenna's character and the blossoming of a new romance against the backdrop of a beautiful beach setting.
Also Known As:
Love at the ShoreRelease Date:
29 Jul 2017Writers:
Nicole Baxter, Laura GrantAwards:
1 nomination