In Lousy Carter (2023), the titular character, Lousy Carter, is portrayed as a man-child who grapples with personal and professional challenges. Carter attempts to finish his ambitious animated adaptation of a work by Nabokov while also juggling his responsibilities as a graduate seminar instructor focusing on The Great Gatsby. Additionally, he finds himself entangled in a complicated romantic relationship with his best friend's wife. As if these obstacles weren't enough, Carter also discovers that he has a limited time left to live, adding a sense of urgency and poignancy to his already chaotic life.
The film delves into themes of mortality, artistic ambition, and the complexities of human relationships. With a unique blend of humor and drama, Lousy Carter offers a thought-provoking and emotionally resonant exploration of one man's journey towards self-discovery and acceptance in the face of impending death.
Also Known As:
Lousy CarterRelease Date:
20 Oct 2023Writers:
Bob ByingtonAwards:
1 nomination