In the heart-pounding thriller Little Bone Lodge (2023), two criminal brothers find themselves caught in the midst of a merciless storm. Desperate for shelter, they stumble upon a secluded farmhouse, which seems like the perfect hiding spot. Unbeknownst to them, this simple act of seeking refuge will drag them into a twisted web of mystery and horror.
The brothers, played by renowned actors (to be announced), quickly take the unsuspecting resident family hostage. However, as they settle in, eerie occurrences and inexplicable phenomena start to unravel before their eyes. The seemingly innocent farmhouse holds a haunting secret of its own, shaking the brothers to their core.
Directed by a master of suspense (director's name to be added later), Little Bone Lodge delivers an intense and suspenseful atmosphere, guaranteed to keep audiences on the edge of their seats throughout. With brilliant cinematography and a gripping storyline, this film explores the depths of darkness and the sinister secrets that lie within.
Prepare for an intense journey filled with unexpected twists and turns, as the brothers scramble to make sense of the inexplicable and survive the night. As things unravel, questions arise: who can they trust? And what lies behind the chilling mysteries of the Little Bone Lodge?
Note: Due to its suspenseful nature, viewers are advised that Little Bone Lodge may not be suitable for those prone to anxiety or with a fear of horror. Viewer discretion is strongly advised.
Also Known As:
Little Bone LodgeRelease Date:
16 Nov 2023Writers:
Neil Linpow