In the heartwarming animated film Little Bird's Big Adventure, we follow the journey of Richard, a brave bird with big dreams. While everyone around him believes he is a sparrow, Richard firmly believes he is a stork. Determined to prove himself, he sets out on an extraordinary adventure that will test his identity and teach him valuable life lessons.
Throughout the film, Richard encounters various challenges and makes unlikely friends. Together, they embark on a perilous journey to a faraway destination where he hopes to unite with other storks. Along the way, Richard discovers the importance of self-belief, love, and acceptance. Despite facing setbacks and ridicule from others, Richard stays true to himself and showcases his unique qualities, proving that it's possible to defy expectations.
Little Bird's Big Adventure is a heartwarming tale that highlights the importance of embracing one's true identity. The film's beautiful animation and captivating characters are sure to enchant both children and adults alike. With its uplifting storyline and empowering message, this charming movie encourages audiences to follow their dreams and never give up, regardless of what others may think.
Join Richard on his incredible journey and watch as he discovers that being different is something to celebrate in Little Bird's Big Adventure.
Also Known As:
Little Bird's Big AdventureRelease Date:
30 Jun 2017Writers:
Reza Memari, Anne D. Bernstein, Jeffrey HyltonAwards:
1 win & 2 nominations