In the year 20XX, the world is ravaged by a devastating phenomenon as enigmatic meteors shower the Earth, unleashing monstrous creatures called 'ANOROC'. These fearsome beasts possess an insatiable hunger for human life force, hunting and slaughtering mankind with relentless brutality. But amidst this chaos, a solitary figure emerges as humanity's last hope: 'LION-GIRL'.
'LION-GIRL' is a formidable and mysterious defender who possesses extraordinary powers. With her superhuman strength, agility, and agility, she is the Earth's final line of defense against the relentless onslaught of ANOROC. Her name is whispered in hushed tones among survivors, giving them a glimmer of hope in the face of annihilation.
As 'LION-GIRL' battles against the ANOROC, she uncovers shocking secrets about their origins and true nature. With each revelation, she becomes more determined to protect what remains of humanity and find a way to eliminate the ANOROC menace once and for all. But the path to victory is paved with danger and sacrifice, as 'LION-GIRL' goes head-to-head with increasingly powerful and cunning ANOROC.
The world hangs in the balance as 'LION-GIRL' fights against time and an army of formidable opponents. Will she succeed in saving humanity from the clutches of the ANOROC and bring peace back to the world, or will this be the end of civilization as we know it?
This epic and action-packed movie takes viewers on a thrilling journey filled with suspense, mystery, and jaw-dropping battles. Brace yourself for the ultimate showdown between 'LION-GIRL' and the ANOROC in this heart-stopping adventure that will leave you on the edge of your seat.
Also Known As:
Lion-GirlRelease Date:
26 Jan 2024Writers:
Kurando Mitsutake