L'immortale (2019) is a gripping Italian crime film that takes viewers on a thrilling journey into the dangerous underworld of Naples. The story revolves around Ciro, whose life is hanging in the balance as his body sinks into the depths of the Gulf of Naples. As he fights for his survival in the darkness, vivid memories resurface, revealing his harrowing past.
Ciro's story unfolds through a series of flashbacks, giving audiences an insight into his rise through the ranks of the Camorra, a powerful and ruthless crime syndicate. From his humble beginnings as an eager apprentice to becoming the right-hand man of the notorious boss, Ciro faces dangerous challenges and moral dilemmas that ultimately shape his fate.
The film delves deep into themes of loyalty, betrayal, and the consequences of a life lived in the shadow of crime. It paints a gritty and realistic portrait of the violence and corruption that permeate Naples' criminal underworld, showcasing the dark power struggles and intricate webs of power that Ciro finds himself entangled in.
With its stunning cinematography and intense performances, L'immortale immerses viewers in a gripping narrative that explores the human condition within the context of organized crime. This thrilling film will leave audiences on the edge of their seats, as they witness Ciro's desperate struggle for redemption and his quest to escape the darkness that threatens to consume him.
Also Known As:
L'immortaleRelease Date:
03 Feb 2019Writers:
Leonardo Fasoli, Maddalena Ravagli, Marco D'AmoreAwards:
3 wins & 3 nominations