Lilla Märta kommer tillbaka is a Swedish film set during World War II. The plot revolves around a secret document belonging to godsgägaren Bruzell, which has been stolen without his knowledge. A small group of Nazis in Knättarp are assigned the task of recovering the document.
Lieutenant Smith and Sture Letter Power are tasked with preventing the document from falling into the wrong hands. To achieve this, they devise a plan that requires Sture to dress as a woman in order to deceive the Nazis and ensure the document's safety.
As the story unfolds, tensions rise, and the importance of the document becomes increasingly apparent. The film highlights the sacrifices and risks one must take during times of war to protect vital information.
Lilla Märta kommer tillbaka is a suspenseful and gripping film that showcases the ingenuity and courage displayed by individuals in the face of danger. It explores themes of loyalty, sacrifice, and the lengths people will go to protect what they believe in.
This Swedish movie provides viewers with an intriguing and thrilling narrative set against the backdrop of World War II. With its strong performances and compelling storyline, Lilla Märta kommer tillbaka is a must-watch film for fans of historical dramas and war movies.