Liberal Arts (2012) follows the story of Jesse Fisher, a 35-year-old admissions officer in New York City who has lost his passion for life. Recently dumped by his girlfriend and feeling emotionally drained, Jesse is invited to the retirement dinner of his second favorite college professor, Peter Hoberg, at Ohio University, his alma mater. Jesse hopes this trip will reignite his love for English and literature, a passion that he feels has faded over the years.
During his time at the university, Jesse encounters five individuals who have a profound impact on him. Driven by his admiration for Hoberg, Jesse finds solace in his favorite professor, Judith Fairfield, albeit for different reasons. He also crosses paths with Nat, a carefree spirit who lives life on his own terms, and undergraduate student Dean, whom Jesse sees as a younger, more reckless version of himself.
However, it is his relationship with 19-year-old Zibby, an undergraduate student at the university, that truly transforms Jesse. Despite their significant age difference, Zibby and Jesse embark on a relationship that forces him to reevaluate his priorities and reassess the meaning of happiness.
Through his interactions with these individuals, Jesse explores themes of love, wisdom, and the pursuit of passion. Liberal Arts is a heartfelt film that captures the struggles and joys of self-discovery, reminding viewers of the importance of finding one's true purpose in life.
Also Known As:
Liberal ArtsRelease Date:
05 Oct 2012Writers:
Josh RadnorAwards:
7 nominations