Le monde est à toi (2018) is a thrilling French comedy film that tells the story of a young small-time dealer who dreams of leaving his life of crime behind and starting anew. However, his ambition is hindered by financial constraints. In order to escape his current situation, he agrees to take on one last job that involves Spain, drugs, the mysterious organization known as the Illuminati, and his overbearing mother.
Directed by Romain Gavras, this fast-paced and visually-striking film takes viewers on a wild ride as the protagonist navigates a world filled with eccentric characters and dangerous situations. As he delves deeper into the criminal underworld, he must confront the challenges presented by the Illuminati, who have their own hidden agenda.
With a mix of humor, action, and suspense, Le monde est à toi keeps the audience engaged from start to finish. The film explores themes of redemption, ambition, and family dynamics, offering a unique blend of entertainment and social commentary.
Featuring a talented ensemble cast including Isabelle Adjani, Karim Leklou, and Vincent Cassel, the film offers compelling performances that bring each character to life. With its catchy soundtrack and stylish visuals, Le monde est à toi is a must-watch for fans of crime comedies and French cinema.