Last American Horror Show (2018) is a thrilling anthology film that will have viewers on the edge of their seats. With three terrifying tales, Night of the Sea Monkey, Lamb Feed, and Homewrecked, this movie serves up a dose of 80s throwback terror.
Night of the Sea Monkey introduces audiences to mauling monsters that will leave them sleepless. In Lamb Feed, a home invasion takes a horrifying turn, taking viewers through a twisted journey. And in Homewrecked, stomach-turning human sacrifice will keep viewers hooked.
What sets this film apart is its cast of horror icons. Felissa Rose, known for her role in Sleepaway Camp, delivers a memorable performance. Additionally, Lynn Lowry, from The Crazies, provides a chilling presence. Arch Hall Jr., of The Sadist fame, and Robert Allen Mukes, from House of 1000 Corpses, round out the cast, adding to the film's appeal.
Last American Horror Show is a must-watch for horror enthusiasts who enjoy a blend of classic scares and contemporary storytelling. The film pays homage to the 80s era of horror while offering a fresh take on the genre. Get ready for a night of terrifying thrills that will leave you wanting more.
Also Known As:
Last American Horror ShowRelease Date:
30 Jun 2018Writers:
Michael S. Rodriguez