Lady and the Tramp is a classic animated film that tells the heartwarming story of Lady, a pampered Cocker Spaniel from an uptown neighborhood, and Tramp, a street-smart mutt from the downtown area. The two dogs come from very different backgrounds but find themselves thrown together in a charming love story.
Lady enjoys a luxurious life with her owners, Jim Dear and Darling, until their newborn baby arrives and everything changes. Feeling neglected, Lady embarks on an adventure where she meets Tramp, who takes her under his wing. As they spend time together, Lady and Tramp form a special bond and go on thrilling escapades through the city streets.
Throughout their journey, Lady discovers the excitement and freedom of life beyond her confined surroundings, while Tramp learns the value of love and companionship. Together, they navigate the challenges of their disparate worlds and teach each other valuable lessons about loyalty, courage, and the power of friendship.
Lady and the Tramp is a timeless tale that combines humor, romance, and adventure, appealing to audiences of all ages. With its memorable characters, beautiful animation, and iconic scenes, this heartwarming film continues to capture the hearts of viewers worldwide, showcasing the enduring power of love between unlikely companions.
Also Known As:
Lady and the TrampRelease Date:
22 Jun 1955Writers:
Ward Greene, Erdman Penner, Joe RinaldiAwards:
Nominated for 1 BAFTA Award1 win & 2 nominations total