La daronne (2020) is a suspenseful French crime film that takes viewers on a thrilling ride into the world of drug dealing. The story revolves around Patience Portefeux, a dedicated translator working for the police in Paris. Patience, known for being meticulous and competent, finds herself caught up in a dangerous web of crime when she stumbles upon a significant amount of drugs during a police operation.
In an unexpected turn of events, Patience decides to take matters into her own hands, becoming deeply involved in the drug trade. Embracing her new identity as La Daronne, she uses her knowledge of the criminal underworld to regulate and manipulate the drug market.
As the stakes rise, Patience finds herself walking a tightrope between her life as a translator and her secret life as a drug dealer. With the police inching closer to uncovering her true identity, Patience must outmaneuver them while also navigating the treacherous drug business.
La daronne is a gripping and suspenseful film that exposes a side of crime rarely explored. It explores themes of morality, identity, and the lengths one will go to protect what they love. Directed by Jean-Paul Salomé, this thrilling crime drama is a must-watch for fans of the genre.
Also Known As:
Mama WeedRelease Date:
16 Jul 2021Writers:
Hannelore Cayre, Jean-Paul Salomé, Antoine SaloméAwards:
1 win & 2 nominations