La Brea is a thrilling television series that centers around a catastrophic event in Los Angeles. One day, a gigantic sinkhole suddenly materializes, causing a rift that separates a family and a group of strangers from the rest of the world. This mysterious sinkhole transports them into an unknown primeval world filled with danger and uncertainty.
The show follows the story of the separated family, as they desperately try to find each other and navigate this strange and treacherous new world. Meanwhile, the group of strangers must band together and rely on their wits and survival skills to overcome the challenges they face in this unforgiving environment.
As the characters traverse this prehistoric landscape, they encounter various creatures and face numerous life-threatening situations. With unique strengths and weaknesses, each individual must adapt and learn to work together if they wish to have any hope of returning home.
La Brea is an exhilarating series that combines elements of mystery, adventure, and survival. With its captivating storyline and compelling characters, viewers will be on the edge of their seats, eagerly anticipating each new episode as they unravel the secrets of both the sinkhole and the primeval world it has unleashed.
Get ready to embark on an unforgettable journey as the characters navigate the unexplained and fight for their lives against all odds in La Brea.
Also Known As:
La BreaRelease Date:
28 Sep 2021Writers:
David AppelbaumAwards:
1 win & 6 nominations