In Kung Fu Panda 2, the beloved Dragon Warrior, Po, and his loyal companions face their biggest challenge yet. Their mission is to stop a cunning peacock named Lord Shen from acquiring a powerful weapon capable of conquering all of China. As they find themselves on this perilous journey, Po must also confront his own inner demons and come to terms with his mysterious past.
The action-packed sequel delves deeper into Po's character, exploring his origins and providing a deeper understanding of his motivations. Po discovers shocking revelations about his past that threaten to shake his confidence, but with the guidance of his kung fu master, Shifu, he learns valuable life lessons about acceptance and self-discovery.
As the story unfolds, Po and his friends must employ their unique strengths and skills to defeat Lord Shen and his army. The film showcases captivating fight scenes, impressive animation, and an engaging storyline that will keep viewers of all ages on the edge of their seats.
Kung Fu Panda 2 is a heartwarming and action-packed family film that combines humor, thrilling adventures, and heartfelt messages of friendship and self-belief. This highly acclaimed sequel is a must-watch for fans of the first film and anyone who appreciates a captivating and entertaining animated tale.
Also Known As:
Kung Fu Panda 2Release Date:
26 May 2011Writers:
Jonathan Aibel, Glenn Berger, Ethan ReiffAwards:
Nominated for 1 Oscar. 5 wins & 47 nominations total