Korparna (2017), directed by Jens Assur, is a powerful coming of age story set in 1970s Sweden. The film follows the life of Agne, a hardworking farmer played by Reine Brynolfsson, who struggles with the harsh realities of his daily life. Agne dreams that his teenage son Klas will one day take over the farm and continue his legacy. However, Klas longs for a world beyond their rural existence.
The film explores themes of shame, guilt, madness, and the dreams of youth. Through sumptuous cinematography, Assur weaves a tangled web of emotions and experiences. The audience is taken on a journey as Agne and Klas navigate their desires and ambitions, while also coming to terms with the constraints of their circumstances.
Korparna is a visually stunning film that delves into the complexities and struggles of generational differences and rural life. The film's narrative is layered with tension and explores the choices that individuals must make in order to follow their own dreams, even if they may conflict with the expectations placed upon them.
Overall, Korparna is a compelling film that offers a deep exploration of familial relationships, individual desires, and the challenges of breaking free from societal expectations. It is a thought-provoking and visually captivating coming of age story that will resonate with audiences.