In the movie Koma (2019), viewers are introduced to a young architect who finds himself in an unusual and enigmatic world after being involved in a mysterious accident. Disoriented and desperate to escape, he must navigate this strange realm and unravel its perplexing laws and regulations in order to find a way back to reality.
As the protagonist fights for his life, he encounters a series of bizarre and dangerous situations that test his resolve and ingenuity. With each obstacle he faces, he becomes more determined to uncover the truth behind this surreal existence and seek an exit back to the real world.
Koma showcases stunning visual effects and a captivating storyline that keeps audiences on the edge of their seats. The film immerses viewers in a surreal world that challenges preconceived notions of reality, where danger lurks around every corner.
This gripping thriller engages viewers with its relentless pace and intriguing premise, as the young architect's quest for escape becomes a thrilling battle for survival. With each twist and turn, the audience is kept guessing, eagerly anticipating the protagonist's journey towards freedom.
Koma is a must-watch for fans of mind-bending thrillers, offering a unique and captivating cinematic experience that will leave audiences both mesmerized and questioning the nature of their own reality.
Also Known As:
ComaRelease Date:
30 Jan 2020Writers:
Nikita Argunov, Timofei Dekin, Aleksey Gravitskiy