Kleks Academy (2023) follows the journey of teenage girl Ada as she unexpectedly finds herself enrolled in the enigmatic Kleks Academy. At this mysterious school, Ada discovers the extraordinary ability to traverse into the whimsical world of fairy tales, where the boundaries of imagination are limitless. As Ada delves deeper into the enchanting realm of Kleks Academy, she stumbles upon a means to uncover a long-buried family secret that has haunted her for years.
This captivating film invites viewers to join Ada on a thrilling adventure filled with magic, wonder, and the power of self-discovery. As Ada navigates the challenges of Kleks Academy, she unravels the mysteries of her past and embarks on a transformative journey of growth and acceptance. Will Ada uncover the truth behind her family secret, and will she embrace the fantastical possibilities that await her within the walls of Kleks Academy?
Experience the magic and intrigue of Kleks Academy (2023) as Ada embarks on a captivating quest that will leave audiences spellbound and inspired.
Also Known As:
Kleks AcademyRelease Date:
05 Jan 2024Writers:
Jan Brzechwa, Krzysztof Gureczny, Agnieszka Kruk