Kid Cosmic is a heartwarming and action-packed animated series that follows the adventures of a young boy named Kid, who has always dreamt of becoming a hero. When he unexpectedly comes across a collection of powerful cosmic stones, his dreams seem to come true. With the stones, Kid acquires incredible superpowers and forms a team of eccentric and unique individuals with their own extraordinary abilities.
Together, Kid and his newfound team embark on thrilling quests and fight against menacing villains in a bid to save their small desert town from imminent danger. The series is filled with humor, excitement, and heartfelt moments as Kid and his team navigate through challenges, learn to trust each other, and discover the true meaning of heroism.
Kid Cosmic is a visually stunning and visually appealing animated series that beautifully combines traditional 2D animation with vibrant and eye-catching colors. Featuring dynamic action sequences and imaginative storytelling, this series is sure to captivate viewers of all ages.
With its charming characters and engaging plots, Kid Cosmic is a must-watch for anyone seeking a fun and epic adventure filled with heart and humor. Dive into the cosmic world of Kid and join him on his heroic journey to save the day!
Also Known As:
Kid CosmicRelease Date:
02 Feb 2021Writers:
Craig McCracken, Francisco Angones, Lauren Faust