Just Before Dawn is a thrilling 1981 horror film that takes viewers on a terrifying journey into the depths of the mountains. Five campers embark on a trip to examine their newly acquired property, despite a warning from forest ranger Roy McLean about a dangerous machete-wielding maniac who haunts the area.
Unfazed by the ranger's cautionary words, the group sets up camp and begins to explore their surroundings. However, their peaceful outing soon takes a sinister turn as members of the group mysteriously begin to disappear one by one.
Just when you think you have the plot figured out, the film delivers a shocking and unexpected twist that will leave audiences shocked and on the edge of their seats.
This gripping horror movie combines elements of suspense, mystery, and unexpected turns to keep viewers engaged from start to finish. Just Before Dawn offers a thrilling and entertaining cinematic experience that will leave you guessing until the very end.
Don't miss out on this classic horror film that will keep you entertained and terrified in equal measure. Stream Just Before Dawn now to uncover the unsettling secrets that lie within the mountains.