In Jurassic World Dominion, set four years after the events of the previous film, Jurassic World: Fallen Kingdom, chaos ensues as Biosyn operatives embark on a mission to locate Maisie Lockwood, a young girl with a mysterious connection to the Jurassic Park legacy. Meanwhile, Dr. Ellie Sattler, a renowned paleobotanist, delves into a perilous investigation centered around a swarm of genetically engineered enormous insects that could potentially wreak havoc.
As the narrative unfolds, audiences are transported to a world still grappling with the aftermath of Isla Nublar's destruction. Against this backdrop, the relentless pursuit of Maisie by Biosyn operatives creates tension and suspense, raising questions about her significance and the secrets she possesses.
However, the plot isn't confined to Maisie's pursuit alone; Dr. Ellie Sattler's scientific investigation also takes center stage. With the emergence of a monstrous swarm of genetically modified insects, Dr. Sattler's expertise is essential in uncovering the origin and potential threat these creatures pose.
This highly-anticipated sequel promises to deliver the same adrenaline-pumping action and awe-inspiring spectacle that made the previous films in the franchise successful. Jurassic World Dominion serves as a riveting continuation of the Jurassic Park saga, exploring new dangers and the consequences of genetic manipulation. Get ready to be captivated by the thrilling adventures that lie ahead in this Jurassic World installment.
Also Known As:
Jurassic World DominionRelease Date:
10 Jun 2022Writers:
Emily Carmichael, Colin Trevorrow, Derek ConnollyAwards:
2 wins & 18 nominations