In 14th-century Sweden, a young girl named Karin lives a sheltered life on her family's farm. She is innocent, naive, and pampered, surrounded by her doting parents and a pregnant servant named Ingeri who harbors bitter jealousy towards her. One day, Karin and Ingeri set out on a journey to deliver candles to the church.
However, tragic events unfold in the woods along their path, and only one of them returns. The film, Jungfrukallan, portrays the aftermath of this harrowing incident and its impact on both Karin's family and the local community.
Set against the backdrop of medieval Sweden, the movie explores themes of innocence, jealousy, and the brutality of human nature. Director Ingmar Bergman skillfully captures the inner turmoil of the characters, their struggle with guilt, and the consequences of their actions.
Jungfrukallan delves deep into the complexities and contradictions of human behavior, giving the audience a thought-provoking examination of morality and societal norms. With stunning cinematography and powerful performances from the cast, the film creates an immersive experience that stays with viewers long after the credits roll.
A haunting and profound drama, Jungfrukallan is a must-watch for fans of Bergman's work and anyone interested in exploring the depths of the human psyche.
Also Known As:
The Virgin SpringRelease Date:
14 Nov 1960Writers:
Ulla IsakssonAwards:
Won 1 Oscar. 6 wins & 2 nominations total