Jiro Dreams of Sushi (2011) is a captivating documentary that follows the incredible journey of 85-year-old sushi master Jiro Ono. As the owner of a renowned Tokyo restaurant, Jiro showcases his unparalleled dedication to the art of sushi-making and his relentless pursuit of perfection. Through intimate interviews and stunning visuals, the film delves into Jiro's unwavering commitment to his craft and the meticulous techniques he employs to create the perfect sushi dish.
The documentary also explores Jiro's complex relationship with his son, Yoshikazu, who is poised to inherit his father's legacy. As Yoshikazu grapples with the pressure of living up to his father's expectations, viewers are given a glimpse into the challenges and rewards of carrying on a storied family tradition.
Ultimately, Jiro Dreams of Sushi is a poignant and visually stunning film that pays homage to the artistry and dedication of a true master. Audiences will be captivated by Jiro's unwavering passion for sushi-making and the profound impact he has had on the culinary world.
Also Known As:
Jiro Dreams of SushiRelease Date:
15 Mar 2012Awards:
3 wins & 12 nominations