In Jimmy Savile: A British Horror Story (2022), viewers are taken on a journey to uncover the dark truth behind the once-beloved television personality, Jimmy Savile. Once a beloved figure known for his quirky persona and charitable works, Savile's carefully crafted public image hid a disturbing secret - a trail of alleged bad deeds that went unnoticed for years. Through interviews, archival footage, and expert analysis, this shocking documentary delves deep into Savile's life and legacy, revealing how he managed to manipulate and deceive the public for so long.
As the film unravels Savile's dark past, viewers are left questioning how such a sinister figure could have evaded detection for so many years. With a compelling narrative and gripping storytelling, Jimmy Savile: A British Horror Story sheds light on the impact Savile's actions had on his victims and the public at large. Don't miss this chilling and thought-provoking documentary that exposes the hidden horrors behind the facade of a beloved icon.
Also Known As:
Jimmy Savile: A British Horror StoryRelease Date:
06 Apr 2022Awards:
Won 1 BAFTA Award2 wins & 1 nomination total