Ji hun is a captivating mystery thriller movie that will keep you on the edge of your seat. The story revolves around the tragic death of Wang Shicong, the chairman of a well-known group. As prosecutor Liang Wenchao and his wife, criminal police A Bao, investigate the case, they uncover complex and intertwined connections between the deceased's son, Wang Tianyou, his newlywed wife Li Yan, long-time partner Wan Yufan, and even his ex-wife Tang Suzhen. Each character holds their own secrets, leading to a web of deceit and betrayal.
Based on Jiang Bo's novel Transfer Soul, the film delves deep into the dark side of human nature. A Bao, played by Janine Chang, unveils a shocking secret that lies hidden beneath the surface, adding an unexpected twist to the investigation. With stellar performances from the talented cast, including Zhang Zhen, Sun Anke, Christopher Li, and Zhang Baijia, Ji hun delivers a gripping and suspenseful storyline.
Prepare to be captivated by the intricate plot twists and the suspense that unravels with every revelation. This movie is a must-watch for fans of thrilling mysteries and intense psychological dramas. Available for streaming now, Ji hun is sure to keep you guessing until the very end.
Also Known As:
Ji hunRelease Date:
15 Jan 2021Writers:
Wei-Hao Cheng, Bo Jiang, Pai Lunn JinAwards:
3 wins & 14 nominations