Jackpot (2011) follows the story of Oscar Svendsen, who wakes up in a strip club surrounded by dead bodies and with the police pointing their guns at him. Convinced of his innocence, Oscar recalls how the chaotic situation began with a group of friends winning a substantial amount of money on a gambling pool. As the narrative unfolds, viewers are taken on a thrilling journey filled with twists and turns as Oscar navigates through the aftermath of the deadly night, attempting to clear his name and unravel the truth behind the gruesome events that transpired.
The film expertly blends elements of suspense, thriller, and dark comedy, keeping audiences on the edge of their seats from start to finish. With a strong ensemble cast and a gripping storyline, Jackpot delivers a compelling and engaging viewing experience that will leave viewers questioning the true nature of luck and the consequences of greed. Don't miss out on this riveting Norwegian crime film that will keep you guessing until the very end.
Also Known As:
JackpotRelease Date:
27 Jun 2014Writers:
Magnus Martens, Jo NesbøAwards:
2 nominations