Itaewon Class (2020) is a captivating South Korean drama series that follows the story of Park Sae-ro-yi, an ex-convict who opens a street bar called DanBam in the vibrant district of Itaewon. Determined to take revenge on the family that caused his father's tragic death, Park Sae-ro-yi faces numerous challenges while building his business from the ground up.
Set in the backdrop of Itaewon's eclectic nightlife scene, the series sheds light on various societal issues such as discrimination, social hierarchy, and the pursuit of dreams. Park Sae-ro-yi's unwavering determination and strong sense of justice inspire those around him, transforming DanBam into a hub of hope and acceptance for marginalized individuals.
Aided by his loyal and diverse group of friends, including the cunning and resourceful Jo Yi-seo and the talented chef Ma Hyun-yi, Park Sae-ro-yi navigates the competitive world of bars and restaurants, facing corrupt entrepreneurs and other obstacles in his quest for justice.
Itaewon Class captivates viewers with its engaging narrative, well-developed characters, and exploration of relevant social themes. The series expertly combines heartwarming moments with intense drama, making it a must-watch for fans of compelling storytelling.
Also Known As:
Itaewon ClassRelease Date:
31 Jan 2020Writers:
Gwang JinAwards:
5 wins & 5 nominations