Into the Night is a thrilling Belgian sci-fi series set in a world plunged into chaos when the sun's radiation becomes deadly. As the Earth faces an apocalyptic disaster, a group of survivors embarks on an overnight flight from Brussels in a desperate attempt to outrun the sun's deadly rays. With the sun now their enemy, they must stay in constant motion, only traveling during the cover of darkness.
Led by the mysterious Terenzio, the survivors find themselves in a race against time as they hop from city to city, struggling to find shelter and resources to keep them alive. Each stop presents its own set of challenges, as they encounter other desperate survivors, encounter dangerous situations, and try to unravel the mysteries behind the catastrophe.
With tension at an all-time high, the group is forced to confront their darkest fears and make unimaginable sacrifices for their survival. As their journey progresses, they must also deal with internal conflicts and trust issues that arise within their tight-knit group.
Into the Night offers a heart-pumping blend of suspense, drama, and action as it explores the lengths people will go to survive when faced with an unimaginable threat. Will they find a safe haven? Can they unlock the secret to this solar catastrophe? Join them on this gripping journey and find out.
Also Known As:
Into the NightRelease Date:
01 May 2020Writers:
Jason George