In the thrilling movie Interrogation (2016), the FBI's worst nightmare becomes a reality when they receive a chilling threat that puts an entire city in danger. To combat this threat, an interrogator named Copeland and an I.T. specialist named Perry are thrust into a series of intense mind games with an elusive criminal mastermind. As time ticks away, they must decipher the villain's true motives and protect the lives of thousands of innocent people.
Interrogation is a pulse-pounding thriller that will keep audiences on the edge of their seats. With electrifying performances from Copeland and Perry, the film delivers an adrenaline-fueled experience that is impossible to forget. As the interrogator and the I.T. specialist work together, their skills and intuition are put to the test as they desperately race against the clock.
The movie is filled with suspenseful twists and turns that will keep viewers guessing until the very end. With its tightly-woven plot and heart-pounding action sequences, Interrogation is a must-watch for fans of thrilling crime dramas. Prepare to be taken on a wild ride as Copeland and Perry fight to uncover the truth and outsmart their cunning adversary.
In summary, Interrogation is a gripping thriller that highlights the power of teamwork and determination in the face of danger. With its gripping storyline and captivating performances, the movie is sure to leave audiences wanting more.