Insanity (2021–) is a gripping psychological thriller that follows the story of Paula, a skilled forensic investigator, who finds herself trapped in a psychiatric hospital after a devastating family tragedy. In a twist of fate, she is wrongly admitted, and soon discovers that nothing is as it seems within the institution's walls.
As Paula grapples with her own grief and confusion, her mind begins to wander down dark and uncertain paths. She becomes obsessed with uncovering the truth behind her hospitalization and the motives behind the sinister conspiracy that surrounds her. The deeper she delves, the closer she gets to the edge of her sanity.
Filled with suspense and mystery, this series takes viewers on a thrilling journey through Paula's fragmented thoughts and the murky corridors of the psychiatric hospital. As she encounters other patients with their own secrets and agendas, she must navigate a treacherous world where trust is a scarce commodity.
Insanity (2021–) is a mind-bending cat-and-mouse game that will keep audiences on the edge of their seats, questioning what is real and what is imagined. With its powerful performances and expert storytelling, this psychological thriller will leave viewers questioning their own sanity.
Also Known As:
InsâniaRelease Date:
03 Dec 2021