In the film Innocence (2022), viewers are taken on a thought-provoking journey into the world of military propaganda and the power of storytelling in justifying military actions. The movie explores how creating a strong narrative is essential for legitimizing the use of military force, with a focus on Israel as a prime example of a country that effectively promotes its military endeavors.
Through a series of compelling vignettes and interviews, Innocence delves into the complexities of colonization, occupation, and the growth of military power, showcasing how these actions have contributed to Israel's acceptance on the global stage. As the film unravels, viewers are taken on a gripping exploration of the interplay between storytelling, propaganda, and the realities of war.
With its thought-provoking narrative and powerful visuals, Innocence offers audiences a unique perspective on the role of storytelling in military pursuits and raises important questions about the impact of propaganda on public perception.
Also Known As:
InnocenceRelease Date:
28 Sep 2023Awards:
5 nominations