In the animated short film Inner Workings (2016), viewers are introduced to an office worker named Paul whose life is ruled by his heart and brain, each representing his yearning for adventure and his desire to adhere to a predictable routine. The heart symbolizes Paul's spontaneous and fun-loving side, urging him to embrace life and take risks, while his brain advocates for caution and practicality. As Paul navigates his mundane daily routine, he is constantly torn between following his heart's desires and his brain's insistence on playing it safe.
Through a mix of humor and heartwarming moments, Inner Workings explores the balance between responsibility and enjoying life to the fullest. The film cleverly illustrates the importance of finding a middle ground between passion and pragmatism, encouraging viewers to embrace new experiences while also recognizing the value of stability. With stunning animation and a relatable storyline, Inner Workings is a captivating tale that will resonate with audiences of all ages.
Also Known As:
Inner WorkingsRelease Date:
23 Nov 2016Writers:
Leonardo MatsudaAwards:
1 win